Monday 12 February 2007

School Governor

In a recent letter from the school to parents, we were informed that there was a vacancy as a school governor. So a week ago on Friday after discussion with Katie I dropped into the school office with my form and a short written 'factual statement' about me.
The expectation was that the statement would be published as part of the election for the new governor.
Well there has been no election - and I have been appointed as a governor! The first meeting is tommorow so I'll find out more.
When we moved house last year and came to the new school we talked about how we could become more involved in the community. We discussed that it would be good to get involved with the PFTA, for Katie to volenteer at school, and perhaps I could become a parent governor... well here we are.


Steve said...

Nice one. Shame you didn't get to campaign. I'm sure you would have won over all the voters with your singing and range of hats ;)

I will be interested in hearing how things go tomorrow and beyond.

Helen said...

I agree. Let us know all about it.