Sunday 28 September 2008


Tonight Amber has been writing in 'Amber's Diary' and I've been helping her.  While blogging we have been listening to the radio on Katie's mobile phone, and just having fun.
Amber said "This was fun Amber Daddy time, wasn't it?", and I just smiled and we kept on doing the head jiggles and hand jiving to the music  :o)
Amber wants me to add that she got to stay up until 8:21 !

Good night Amber xxx

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Family Search

I'm really looking forward to how 'New Family Search' is going to change the way we can collaborate on family history Reserch, and allow individuals in ther home be more involved in preparing work for ancestors to be performed in the Temple.

Horse Riding

Katie & Jenna have been going to a local sing and sign group for a while, where Jenna learns baby sign language so that she can communicate with us. She is fond of telling us when she is hungry and that she would like more. She knows the signs for No, and Hot and other important messages. As the name of the group suggest, it not all signing, but also singing. Some of our favorite songs include the signs for animals, including horse (which is one hand in front of you, fingers together and the hand vertical and your other hand making an inverted 'V' which rides the first hand).
Katie told me that today when Jenna was playing with the animal toys she was trying to ride the miniature horse, how cute.