Friday 25 July 2008

Vegetable Sales

Last Saturday Katie & I decided to get the most out of our excess garden produce, so we picked loads of lettuce, plus some courgettes, squash and cucumbers from the garden, and then took it with the kids to sell to our neighbors. It was great, Leah liked holding up a bag of mixed lettuce and proclaiming that it was 50p (even if they had just said that they had just been shopping, and didn't need any). We didn't get rid of everything, but still sold over £5 worth of stuff.
Infact this morning we had a knock on the door from a neighbor asking if we had any more! (Which we did)

In addition to selling stuff we have been eating all that plus potatoes and runner beans. I can wait for the corn on the cob to be ready.
(I'll have to add some photos to this entry)

1 comment:

Helen said...

What a great idea! Yummy!

Now we have a garden we have a few plants in pots, we bought a poorly tomato plant that was reduced in Homebase, so we'll see if we get anything from that.